
Zebedee Talent is a model and acting agency that solely represents people with disabilities, visible differences and the trans and non binary community. They look after around 1000 talent, from tiny babies, to older adults, in the UK, Europe USA and Australia. Working with the world’s biggest brands, from Gucci to Google, they have increased the representation of historically excluded groups in advertising and wider media, placing their talent on around 2000 jobs per year.

Zebedee are the global leaders in the inclusive casting space. Prior to their launch in 2017, it was incredibly rare for anyone with a disability, visible difference or the trans and non-binary community to be featured in the media, despite making up 20% of the world’s population. Zebedee has given these communities the opportunity to be signed with a professional talent agency, and find many opportunities within advertising, film and TV.

Zebedee offer a friendly and professional service to their clients in the advertising space, guiding them through their inclusive casting process, supplying talent, creatives and consultants.